Historically Natron was harvested directly as a salt mixture from dry lake beds in Ancient Egypt. It has been used for thousands of years as a cleaning product for both the home and body, was used for making leather and as a bleach for clothing.
Natron was used in all aspects of Egyptian life, such as mummification (because it absorbs water and behaves as a drying agent), it was added to castor oil to make a smokeless fuel, used as an early antiseptic for wounds and minor cuts. Blended with oil, to make soap, a cleanser for the teeth and an ancient household insecticide, to name just a few.
Magickally, Natron is used in Egyptian rituals, for cleansing, and purifying a space, a person or object. You can use it, to ritually cleans yourself before a ritual, as a way to cleans and protect your home or sacred space
This Natron is a reconstruction of the Natron from Egypt as it is illegal to take Natron out of Egypt.
Size: 10 grams
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