Common Name: Mullien
Botanical name: Verbascum Thapsus
Folk names: Velvet Plant, White Mullein, Verbascum Flower, Woolen, Bullock’s Lungwort, Flannel flower, Shepard’s Club, Hare’s Beard, Hig Taper, Cow’s Lungwort, Aaron’s rod, Blanket Leaf, Candlewick Plant, Clot, Doffle, Feltwort, Graveyard Dust, Hag’s Tapers, Hedge Taper, Jupiter’s Staff, Lady’s Foxglove, Old Man’s Fennel, Peter’s Staff, torches, Velvetback
Origin: Bulgaria
Size: 10 grams
Carry as protection against negative spirits and animals. Use in place of candles where a flame is not possible. Added to incenses of protection, courage and to attract the opposite sex, or to gain ancient knowledge.
Mullein protects and controls. A small bag of it can be kept under the pillow to prevent nightmares; wear it in your shoes or add Mullein tea to your bath for five days to give courage and drive away enemies. It can also be burned to control spirits. Mullien leaf is sometimes used as a substitute for Graveyard Dirt in spells.
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