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Magical Uses: Fidelity, Binding, Agreements.

SKU HERHW01 Category


Common Name: Hoodwort or Skullcap

Botanical name: Scutellaria Lateriflora

Folk names: Blue Scullcap, Blue Pimpernell, Hooded Willow Herb, Side-flowering Scullcap, Mad Dogweed, Hoodwort, Mad Weed, Helmet Flower, American Scullcap

Origin: China

Size: 10 grams

Useful for focusing magic onto its target. To bind oaths and consecrate vows and keeping of commitments. Burned for relief of disharmony and disruptive situations. Use in sleep pillows for relaxation & peace. Place a pinch in your lover or spouse’s shoes to keep then from being affected by charms of others, and make them unattractive to members of the opposite sex. Sprinkle under the bed to help keep couples together. Also useful for unsavory co-workers with wandering eyes or hands.

Picture for illustration only.
Note: All herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are sold for incense, spell and ritual work only. Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s).
This item is not handmade by HEKA Arcane Apotheca

Additional information

Weight 10 g


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